Sponsored Articles

What is a Sponsored Article?

A sponsored article is one that has been written by a publishing company and sent to me to review, edit and post.  These articles typically contain 1-2 external links advertising a product or service that is relevant to the article’s topic.

I receive a small fee for posting the article, and you guessed it a percentage of the fee is donated to the Amazon Rainforest Conservancy, for more information on that CLICK HERE!

only post articles that I think contain valuable and relevant information, I turn down plenty of articles that are not up to my standard. I will always maintain transparency when posting a sponsored article. I also have full control over the content of each sponsored article, and I thoroughly edit each one (sometimes I re-write the entire article).

Generally, bloggers discreetly use freelance writers and publishing companies but I believe that full transparency is important!

At the end of the day, some the article will provide you with some valuable information, provide me with some income to continue working on the blog (as well as the YouTube channel and the podcast) and provide the Amazon Rainforest with some much need protection!



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